
Nyvej 16
Studio Collective Nyvej 16

Praksisens økologi

Ecology of Practice

TN16 er vokset ud fra en tro på værdien af det kollektive.

TN16 er et håbefuldt, mulighedsorienteret netværk af erfarne, men eksperimenterende tegnestuer, der deler et større tegnestuefællesskab. Stærkere sammen. Vi tror på vidensdeling, åbenhed, omsorg og reparation.

Gennem samudvikling og mutualisme sigter TN16 mod at omstrukturere traditionelle organisatoriske praksisser med det ultimative mål at øge agenturet i byggeri for planetens velbefindende.

The idea for TN16 was grown from a belief in the value of the collective. 

TN16 is a hopeful, possibilist network of experienced yet experimental architects working from a collective studio. Stronger together. We believe in knowledge sharing, openness, care & repair.

Through co-evolution & mutualism TN16 aim to restructure traditional practice organisation with the ultimate goal of increased agency in building towards planetary well-being. 

Nyvej 16C, 1851, Frederiksberg C                                                  


10.12.24: Justine Bell will be in dialogue with Nikolaj Schultz, Sinus Lynge, Christine Bjerke, Josefine Klougart, moderated by Rune Detlif Baastrup, in the 3rd Sensing Earth dialogue series curated by Marianne Krogh.

12.11.24: Djernes & Bell presented their project Hedeskov Center for Regenerative Practice at the Sustain Nordic conference on Place and Nature-based architecture in the Nordics. 

10.11.24: Djernes & Bell ar finalists in the ‘Arkitektpris’ for the recently completed project ‘Hedeskov Center for Regenerative Practice’

25.10.24: Justine Bell was invited by Nicolai Friberg to give a lecture along with other exciting experts at the opening of the new Center for Nature Based Solutions at Aarhus Institute for Ecoscience. 

12-13.09.24: Djernes & Bell were amongst the speakers at the International Conference on Bioregional Architecture & Design hosted by TU Munich. 

20.07.24:  Djernes & Bell were awarded third place in the Ny Nationalt Arkitekturpolitik competition for their proposal ‘Grafting the Suburbs’ a reworking of the Residential Regenesis project done in collaboartion with Henning Larsen architects. 

19.06.24: Justine Bell  presented her policy proposal ‘Bevaringspligt’ at CAFx Commission for Circularity

07.06.24: Djernes & Bell were part of a workshop looking at use of unfired clay bricks from standarad brick production. As part of Realdania & Smith Innovation’s project ‘Veje til biobaseret byggeri’

02.05.24:  Djernes & Bell have won the cross-disciplinary art and architecture land project Infrastructure x Raw Nature. Together with artist Amitai Romm they are now working on realising their project ‘Lollands Ears’

08.03.24: Djernes & Bell exhibition opening ‘Reparative Ecologies’ at SPARK Malmø 

06.03.24: Djernes & Bell are co-keynote speakers at LUND Architecture Symposium with Local Works Studio, Reværk Architecture, Dorte Mandrup & Helene + Hand. The Theme of LAS24 is Material Explorations

11.02.24: Djernes & Bell and Office Kim Lenschow discuss Danish Craft Traditions in a Contemporary Context, moderated by Kristoffer Weiss. At ARKEN museum hosted by CAFx ARKEN

02.11.23: Djernes & Bell and Office Kim Lenschow Salon Transformation: New Values of a New Generation in Danish Architecture part of Make do With Now exhibition at CAFx

01.11.23: Djernes & Bell at Building Green. Learning Sessions Hedeskov Project & Realdania Aalborg Build  ‘Renovering ved Regenerative Principper’

01.10.23: Johansen Skovsted CODAN - office and warehouse project has been nominated for EUmies Awards 2024. 

01.09.23: Justine Bell has been appointed to a new committee in the Danish Academy of Arts (Akadamiraadet). 

09.06.23: Djernes & Bell premiere Harvest to House at CAFx Life Form. Tickets available here

14-21.06.23: Johansen Skovsted guest lecturers at ‘Visiting Sweden’ Porto Academy

30.06.23: Office Kim Lenschow showing material research at Copenhagen Contemporary ‘Reset Materials: Towards Sustainable Architecture’